100 إشارة
قاموس الرسوم المتحركة
100 Signs - An animated dictionary of Palestinian Sign Language
100 Signs is an ongoing project of the Deaf Animation Team in cooperation with the Tamer Institute of Community Education. It has three goals:
- To explore different ways of animating sign language.
- To create an engaging and attractive teaching resource for young learners.
- To develop a model for animated sign language resources that can be replicated by sign language communities in other countries.
Learning Sets
Sign dictionary
The Learning Sets were created for use in Sign Language Awareness classes. The classes are facilitated by the Deaf Animation Team. Their aim is to give members of the hearing community a basic understanding of sign language.
The Animated Dictionary of Palestinian Sign Language was created as a reference as well as a learning resource for classes and home studies. It is a work in progress – the current pilot version is experimental and serves the purpose of evaluating different approaches to animating sign language and presenting a dictionary.